Interested in becoming a sponsor?
Your sponsorship is crucial in helping us provide support for a high number of additional care requests and critical care cases at WAG. Through our Sponsorship Program, you have the opportunity to contribute to specific causes that matter most to you.
Critical Care
Long-Term Care
General Care
Without the support of sponsors and partners, our events, programs, and animals would not thrive. We extend our heartfelt gratitude to all of our invaluable contributors who make it possible for us to fulfill our mission and make a positive impact in the lives of our animals.
Sponsorship options:

Double Black Diamond: $10,000+
Title sponsorship of a signature program or event.
Prominent display of a Platinum certificate on WAG’s Sponsor Wall in the shelter.
Company logo (with web link) prominently featured under Platinum Sponsors on WAG’s website.
Sponsorship announcements on WAG’s social media platforms, six times a year (Facebook: 10K followers, Instagram: 9,069 followers).
Logo inclusion on the WAG Calendar.
WAG Sponsor decal for your organization

Black Diamond: $5,000+
Display of a Gold certificate on WAG’s Sponsor Wall in the shelter.
Company logo (with web link) featured under Gold Sponsors on WAG’s website.
Sponsorship announcements on WAG’s social media platforms, four times a year (Facebook: 10K followers, Instagram: 9,069 followers).
Logo inclusion on the WAG Calendar.
WAG Sponsor decal for your organization

Blue Square: $1,000+
Display of a Silver certificate on WAG’s Sponsor Wall in the shelter.
Company listing under Silver Sponsors on WAG’s website.
Sponsorship announcements on WAG’s social media platforms, twice a year
(Facebook: 10K followers, Instagram: 9,069 followers).
WAG Sponsor decal for your organization

Green Circle: $500+
Display of a Bronze certificate on WAG’s Sponsor Wall in the shelter.
Company listing under Bronze Sponsors on WAG’s website.
Sponsorship announcements on WAG’s social media platforms.
WAG Sponsor decal for your organization