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Dog Run Funding Project – NEW UPDATES!


Landscaping really began when the trees were planted, but it was quite a long time before we were able to continue with it, as much of our focus was on adjusting the fence height. Now that is complete, we were able to take the next step in our project; GRASS!

The quest for a green space began in the summer of 2020, with a call out for seeds – what we got was so much more!

It began with some bags of seeds donated…then a pile of soil.. and then came the sod! In three big phases, WAG was able to sod the entire run, changing it from a barren desert to a lunch, green oasis, teeming with plant life, flowers, and birds.

What a difference the grass has made! The dogs love rolling in it and staying cool in the shade of the trees. It has also created a cleaner shelter, as the sand does not get tracked in on paws and feet, creating a constant mess and hard work for our laundry machines. November 2019: The fence is OFFICIALLY COMPLETE! Expand

It is with GREAT RELIEF and EXCITEMENT that we can officially announce that PHASE 1 IS COMPLETE!

The RMOW took on the cost of correcting the fencing mistake and we now have a completely enclosed SAFE and SECURE yard for our special dogs – we cannot tell you what a journey it has been!

We are looking forward to enjoying the winter and will start to think about PHASE 2: LANDSCAPING, for spring 2020.

With every few steps forward there seems to be one back for this project!

After many months of waiting, our Simtek solid fencing has been installed, HOWEVER, though we worked and fundraised extremely hard to have an 8-foot tall fence to protect the public, our staff, volunteers, and animals in the new dog run, unfortunately, the grade of the parking lot on the other side was brought up without WAG’s knowledge, which has left our secure fence at about HALF THE HEIGHT!

As predicted, we experienced some issues with curious passers-by as they leaned over the fence. This created major issues for our fearful dogs, with some even starting to refuse to go back outside!

This, of course, was the exact opposite of what we were trying to create as it is extremely frightening for our dogs, extremely dangerous for the public, and makes their safe, outdoor space unusable. 

After many weeks of working with the RMOW to resolve this issue, it was finally decided that they would reinstall the fencing along that wall using the higher ground, thus allowing us to have our safe and secure 8-foot fence. July 2018: Fence is up! Expand

WAG’s Dog Run Project 2017 – Press Release July, 2018

Phase 1 is now officially complete – our fence is up!

Here is the funding breakdown for the entire Dog Run Project as of today:Phase 1: SOLID FENCINGSOURCE$10,000The James Upton Foundation$3155Online Fundrazr Donations$2127.84Online Canada Helps Donations$8675In Shelter Donations$500Rotary Club Foundation Grant$10,000American Friends of Whistler Grant$5542.16Whistler Blackcomb Foundation GrantGOAL: $40,000TOTAL $40,000!!!!!

Phase 2: LANDSCAPINGSOURCE$5000The James Upton Foundation

Phase 3: DOG ENRICHMENT UNITSOURCE$5000The James Upton Foundation

Other: MARKETINGSOURCE$5000The James Upton Foundation

WAG would like to take this opportunity to formally thank all of our donors who have made Phase 1 possible:

A very special thank you to The James Upton Foundation: Without his initial enthusiasm and support for this project, we may never have gotten it off the ground! This $25,000 contribution is vital to the success of the overall project and we are honoured and grateful to have received this support.

The American Friends of Whistler: This generous contribution made a huge impact on our ability to reach our goal – thank you to our American friends and neighbors for this support.

The Rotary Club of Whistler for including us in their considerations and their extremely generous grant contribution.

The Whistler Blackcomb Foundation: Your support for many of our projects has been an integral part of making this facility into one of the best animal shelters around!

Our community for their donations and overwhelming understanding and support of this important project.

Construction will be starting spring/summer 2017, so stay tuned for updates! If you would like to help our animals through the stressful construction process, become a shelter volunteer or foster home today! For more information, check out our website at

Thank you for your support! November 2017: It’s usable! Almost… Expand

We are excited to announce that we finally have limited use of the new dog run! Thank you so much to our donors and supporters for making this possible.

It has taken many months of struggle, but the new fencing has been installed and the new sand fill has been added. The ground is finally free of garbage and broken glass, and we have been told the new material will be suitable for our trees, some ground cover, and maybe even a few shrubs!

Unfortunately, due to the delays taking out the old fill and installing the new, it was too late in the season to plant the trees we had arranged for. We will address that, and the rest of the landscaping phase, in the spring when the weather is more suitable!

We are still waiting for the installation of the large, direct access gate on the north side of the run, which will provide a direct emergency access from the run, as well as a wider space to bring in or remove materials, such as dog houses, and the materials for the enrichment unit planned for Phase 3. (See photo 5).

Due to the new configuration of the dog run, WAG had to take on the costs of redesigning the interior chain link fencing to maximize the new space. In this redesign, WAG also allowed for the creation of a new, enclosed outdoor area. Although very small and on concrete, it provides us with another enclosed outdoor area for our dogs, especially beneficial in the spring, summer, and fall months, where the sun, shade, and breeze can be enjoyed by dogs and puppies alike. (See photo 6).

Though we still have a few more steps to take before it is the dog run we have been dreaming of, the entire WAG team are so relieved to have a safe, enclosed outdoor area again. This will greatly reduce the need for extra staffing and the work load on our volunteers. We have already seen the benefits in many ways, such as the long overdue friendship of Rosebud and JJ! (See Photo 7)

We must send a special thank you to Chad Wood and Chad Wood Construction for your knowledge and advocacy on WAG’s behalf during this difficult time. We know that once this project is complete, this new run will be a sanctuary for our rescued dogs and a resource for our community.

Stay tuned for continuing updates!

Your continued support of WAG is critical and immensely appreciated.  On behalf of all the animals whose lives will be improved due to your generosity, we thank you.

The WAG Team:

Lindsay Suckling

Catherine Mazza

Mallory Jensen

Amy Lobb

Robyn Bosada

Amanda Holmes Emily Suckling Zeljka Worden


Photo 1: The entrance to the new space.Photo 2: Looking left from the entrance gate.Photo 3: Looking right.Photo 4: Looking straight ahead.

Photo 5: the temporary direct access gate. We are still waiting on a date when this will be completed.

Photo 6: The new, small, outdoor space created by the chain link redesign.

Photo 7: New friends! JJ and Rosebud were able to have a proper, safe introduction in the new dog run and became fast friends. This space allows them to play freely, off leash!

This behavior is beneficial for so many reasons: outlet of energy, socialization, allowing them to make their own decisions, mental and physical stimulation, and fun! All of this leads to happier, healthier, more adoptable dogs who are better members of our society.

It is with mixed feelings that we are able to report that the demolition on our dog run has finally begun!

To alleviate extra cost and stress, WAG requested that the demolition be done in two parts, leaving us with a small, fenced in, temporary grass/dirt  where our new arrivals and shy pups, can relieve themselves. By mid-September, this will have to be demolished as well, leaving WAG with no secure grass space for our animals.

Once the entire run has been demolished, we have been told it will take approximately 1 to 2 weeks until we are able to install our new Simtek fencing.

WAG will be relying heavily on our foster homes, volunteers, and extra staffing hours to accommodate during this time, as each dog will have to be walked individually, multiple times throughout the day, not only to relieve themselves but also for exercise and mental stimulation.

We are relieved that the project has finally begun, and the end is within sight!  We are excited for the next chapter at WAG, we know it will be a chance for us to rebuild and heal. Our old dog run helped us rehabilitate and rehome thousands of animals over the years. It was a truly special space and will be remember in our hearts forever.

Your continued support of WAG is critical and immensely appreciated.  On behalf of all the animals whose lives will be improved due to your generosity, we thank you.

The WAG Team:

Lindsay Suckling

Catherine Mazza

Mallory Jensen

Amy Lobb

Robyn Bosada

Amanda Holmes

Emily Suckling

The current smaller, temporary outdoor space.Our newest arrivals! Cocoa, Charlie, & ChesneyWhere the old run used to be.

WAG’s Dog Run Project 2017 – Press Release March, 2017

Thanks to you, we have reached our goal of $40,000! This means we will have SOLID FENCING for our dogs in their new outdoor dog run and funding for Phase 1 is now officially complete!

Here is the funding breakdown for the entire Dog Run Project as of today:Phase 1: SOLID FENCING $10,000 The James Upton Foundation $3155 Online Fundrazr Donations $2127.84 Online Canada Helps Donations $8675 In Shelter Donations $500 Rotary Club Foundation Grant $10,000 American Friends of Whistler Grant $5542.16 Whistler Blackcomb Foundation Grant GOAL: $40,000 TOTAL $40,000!!!!!Phase 2: LANDSCAPING $5000 The James Upton Foundation Phase 3: DOG ENRICHMENT UNIT $5000 The James Upton Foundation Other: MARKETING $5000 The James Upton Foundation

WAG would like to take this opportunity to formally thank all of our donors who have made Phase 1 possible:

A very special thank you to The James Upton Foundation: Without his initial enthusiasm and support for this project, we may never have gotten it off the ground! This $25,000 contribution is vital to the success of the overall project and we are honoured and grateful to have received this support.

The American Friends of Whistler: This generous contribution made a huge impact on our ability to reach our goal – thank you to our American friends and neighbors for this support.

The Rotary Club of Whistler for including us in their considerations and their extremely generous grant contribution.

The Whistler Blackcomb Foundation: Your support for many of our projects has been an integral part of making this facility into one of the best animal shelters around!

Our community for their donations and overwhelming understanding and support of this important project.

Construction will be starting spring/summer 2017, so stay tuned for updates! If you would like to help our animals through the stressful construction process, become a shelter volunteer or foster home today! For more information, check out our website at

WAG’s Dog Run Funding Project – Update February 2017: We have some FANTASTIC news to share!! The amazing people at the American Friends of Whistler have accepted our grant request for our new dog run, Phase One: Solid fencing! They have given us a major boost towards our goal by donating $10,000 towards this vital project. THANK YOU, American Friends of Whistler, from every pup who will be able to use this outdoor space in the future!


$10,000 The James Upton Foundation

$3155 Online Fundrazr Donations

$1930 Online Canada Helps Donations

$7800 In Shelter Donations

$500 The Rotary Club Foundation Grant

$10,000 American Friends of Whistler Grant

GOAL: $40,000

CURRENT TOTAL: $34,457.84

WAG’s Dog Run Funding Project – Press Release December 11th, 2016

We are thrilled to announce that our Phase 1 of our dog run funding project is well on track to reach our goal of $40,000! Thanks to community donations, sponsors, and grants, we are confident that a new safe and secure dog run with solid fencing is in our future!

Here is the funding breakdown for the entire Dog Run Project as of today:


$10,000 The James Upton Foundation

$3155 Online Fundrazr Donations

$1930 Online Canada Helps Donations

$7800 In Shelter Donations

$500 The Rotary Club Foundation Grant

GOAL: $40,000



$5000 The James Upton Foundation


$5000 The James Upton Foundation

OTHER: Marketing

$5000 The James Upton Foundation

The original dog run and some of our challenges:

Due to the Nesters and Garbage depot expansion, WAG LOST OUR OUTDOOR GRASS RUN AND TREES! Though a new, smaller area has been proposed by the RMOW, WAG is in need of the community’s support to develop an outdoor dog run area that is SAFE, SECURE, and USABLE. By November 30th, WAG had to raise a minimum of $40,000 from a variety of sources to ensure the dogs in their care will have the best possible support and safe access to the outdoors.   The proposed fencing option is chain link with dirt flooring, however…  

“We believe a safe, protected and interactive outdoor place to socialize and exercise is vital for the health and happiness of our shelter dogs who call WAG home. We are looking to the Whistler community and visitors to support our fundraising for a safe and secure fence option,” says Lindsay Suckling, WAG Shelter Operations Manager.   A new dog run will be constructed at WAG; however, it will require a SOLID fence to ensure dog safety and wellbeing. WAG’s priority is the safety and welfare of its animals while also ensuring WAG remains a good neighbor in the Nesters area.

Why is WAG choosing solid fencing?  Solid fencing is vital for the health and wellbeing of the dogs and community as it:   1) Protects against garbage entering the dog run. 2) Protects against negative human and dog interactions, such as fingers being stuck through the bars, yelling, feeding of food, etc, often leading to increased frustration and reduced adaptability. 3) Reduces the risk of disease/illness transfer. 4) Solid fencing will be set 6 inches into the ground, preventing dogs from digging under the fence, or rats from digging in. 5) Reduce noise pollution (garbage trucks, traffic, bottles smashing, etc.). Many WAG dogs are fearful due to past neglect or abuse and will not be able to tolerate the noise. 6) Provide the dogs with a QUIET and SAFE space to: -Socialize: training sessions, enrichment activities, and play with each other, adopters, staff and volunteers, increasing adaptability, and allowing more animals to be rescued. -Comfortably relieve themselves. Many dogs in WAG’s care have never been on a leash and are scared to walk near the busy highway.  

“WAG is committed to reducing kennel stress and to socialize our animals,” says Suckling. “Our dog-run has always been an essential space in maintaining our standards of animal welfare and socialization. Due to these unforeseen changes, the solid fence is of vital importance and we hope our Whistler community and broader dog-loving community will support us with our fundraising efforts.” More info on Simtek fencing:

Here’s what you can do to help the animals at WAG: 1) Donate to WAG to ensure a safe, outdoor space for our shelter dogs and puppies! Donations are accepted online at 2) Spread the word to your networks of our exciting new project and need for funding!

 What You are Funding:Phase 1: Solid Simtek fencing option ($40,000)   Next spring, we hope to launch fundraising efforts to continue the development of our outdoor dog run. Any surplus funds made from Phase 1 fundraising efforts will carry over to fund:   Phase 2: Landscaping   There will be no grass, dirt, or trees in the new run,­­ which are a necessity for the health and wellbeing of our animals.   Phase 3: Interactive dog enrichment unit   The newly relocated dog area will be smaller than our previous one and square/rectangular. Many of our dogs are high energy or love to play fetch, and running is integral to using up excess energy and reducing frustration. In an effort to replace their ability to run, we are planning to build an interactive structure for the dogs, including features such as multi-level houses, ramps, stairs, perches, tug stations, and more.

WAG is very fortunate to have amazing supporters, foster homes and volunteers.  We know WAG will be able to continue to enhance the lives of animals in WAG’s care with your ongoing assistance.  We thank you for your support!

The original dog run and some of our challenges:

WAG would like to take this opportunity to formally thank the following donors:

A very special thank you to The James Upton Foundation: Without his initial enthusiasm and support for this project, we may never have gotten it off the ground! This $25,000 contribution is vital to the success of the overall project and we are honored and grateful to have received this support.

Our community for their donations and overwhelming understanding and support of this important project.

The Rotary Club of Whistler for their extremely generous grant contribution.

We are also excited to announce that construction has been delayed, which means we can keep our existing dog run and trees for the winter and we will have more time to fund raise over the winter if needed!

Thank you again to our community, foundations, and donors…stay tuned for more updates!

The Rotary Club of Whistler stops by to make their generous donation…


Contact us

We want to hear from you! We are a very small team and unlike other shelters we operate by appointment only. Because staff is often busy with the animals and away from the phone, email is the recommended way to get in touch with us.

Thanks for submitting!


8014 Nesters Rd, Whistler, BC V8E 0G4


PO Box 274, Whistler, BC, V0N 1B0



WAG is open by appointment only.


We apologise for any inconvience but we are unable to accomodate walk ins to meet our animals.

WAG is a non-profit charity with limited staffing resources. Our small, hard working team is always caring for our animals. We are available 365 days a year for all scheduled appointments.

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© 2024 Whistler Animals Galore.  Website by Lou O'Brien Creative

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