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Ed and Banzai – Adopted September 2015

Ed and Banzai came to Wag with their 2 brothers. They were lucky their brother Zazu was brave and went looking for some humans to help them. They had been left on the side of the road and two off duty whistler fire and rescue workers spotted Zazu and went looking for his brothers. These 2 were the last of the litter to be adopted but they got the best home because they were adopted together! Now known as Sandy(formerly Ed) and Dusty(formerly Banzai), their owner has a few words about them.

Two brothers that love to purr together, play fight together, cuddle together and sleep together. They both love to watch the birds and trees outside – together!

They have claimed the couch as their own, too! Sandy and Dusty love watching the fish tank and hopping on the lid! That is, together.

They are very friendly and meow when separated. They are best friends and brothers forever!







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