Their story…
Annabelle and Charlotte are only 15 weeks old and already they have had to fight for their lives. They were surrendered to WAG, but despite having been seen by a vet with their previous owners, they were not vaccinated. Very shortly after arriving at WAG, they both became very sick.
After admitting them to Twin Trees Veterinary Clinic‘ s emergency, it was determined that they both were positive for the Parvo Virus, a deadly disease to puppies and senior dogs that have not been vaccinated, as these puppies should have been.
They were hospitalized overnight at WAG, and dedicated WAG staff drove in throughout the night to care for them. The next morning they were taken by a volunteer to Eagleview Veterinary Hospital in Squamish to receive treatment, fluids, medication, and monitoring for the rest of the week.
Thanks to the amazing care of the WAG staff, volunteers, and these amazing vet clinics, we are happy to report both puppies have responded well to treatment are on the road to recovery.
WAG needs your help to cover the medical bills of these neglected sisters, so we are asking for your help in Saving the Sisters!
All the money raised in this campaign will go directly to Annabelle and Charlottes medical bills.
WAG is concerned for the health and welfare of the other puppies in the litter. They were sold by the owners to members of the community and are likely positive for Parvovirus, and are not the first litter. Without the proper course of vaccinations and treatment, this virus is deadly and contagious.
Tax receipts are available for all donations over $20.
CLICK HERE TO DONATE TO THE SISTERS, follow our fundraising progress, and their recovery!
Thank you for your support!
WAG hosted a fundraiser to help cover the costs of their medical expenses. We are excited to announce that the community donated a huge $2410 to their care; that’s a whopping 80% covered – THANK YOU!
We are very excited to announce that both girls have also been adopted into loving forever homes who will continue their care.