Breed: German Shepherd mix
Gender: Male
Age: 3.5 years old
Size: Large
Energy Level: High Training Goals: Basic Manners + working on living in a more urban environment House trained? Yes Kids? 15 years+ Cats? No Dogs? No thanks! Medical Needs: Currently recovering from surgery, moving forward, continuing care and helping him age gracefully with low impact activities
About Me:
Hi I’m Scooby!
Although I am a WAG dog, I’ve never been to the shelter. I went from my previous home to Points East West Veterinary Specialists, then to a foster home where I am recovering!
They had the following to pass along about me!
Scooby is a total softy. We love having him around and if we were in a position to adopt full time, he would be a foster fail for sure!
He doesn’t display any resource guarding, it’s ok to take food/toys away from him and give them back and he is very gentle when taking food from your hand.
He doesn’t beg while you are eating and doesn’t try to take food from tables while you aren’t looking.
He has very good manners at home, he’s not pushy at dinnertime and is patient when putting the leash and harness on and off
He has no issues being handled, he’s tolerated all the massages and range of motion exercises with no flinching or stop it warning noises, he does prefer to have a stuffed kong for distraction though. There’s no aversion to having his ears and feet touched but he’s not super keen on having his tail touched (the one area we haven’t been able to groom yet)
He can walk really nicely on a leash but so far only when he’s in a quiet, familiar distraction-free environment. So far he has been struggling at busier times of the day as he is perhaps used to a much quieter place where he lived previously. We’ve been working on some training and I think this can be improved with time. He is strong though so I think once he’s back to full strength it’ll be important to make sure he doesn’t lunge off towards a dog or car again (if he hasn’t learned his lesson about that)
He’s been quite reactive towards other dogs we have passed, we’ve prevented any interactions with so far to ensure there isn’t any sniffing/licking or bothering of his incision site but we aren’t yet sure if he is very keen to say hello to them or nervous of their presence though we were told he is good with dogs so we will try and coordinate some gentle interactions to see how he gets on. We have been using the fearful dog book and giving treats and increasing distance when a dog is nearby to help with this. (Beef liver treats seem to be working as a high enough reward treat to get his attention).
He hasn’t been vocal indoors so far, and when out and about there has only been the odd tiny bark when prevented from interacting with other dogs. He has ignored other dogs in the building that were howling and barking. We are going to test out people coming to the door for if he lives in a house later on.
He doesn’t seem to be particularly bothered by loud noises and is fine with the vacuum cleaner/noisy kitchen appliances.
He is fully house trained, there were no accidents post surgery and he will let you know when he’s ready to pop out for a pee.
He hasn’t chewed anything he shouldn’t, and after a cursory sniff, he’s generally not interested in other human items around the house. He does enjoy chewing his ball, usually whilst horizontal.
He has been fine with wearing the cone overnight with only very passive protests of becoming fully limp to make it slightly harder to get it on his head (treats help)
We’ve tried a couple of times to make dinner time more interesting by making an enrichment box with newspaper and cardboard tubes or tucking food under folds of fabric and he either didn’t really understand what he was supposed to do or was not interested in having to work for his food. He also didn’t really find much interest in the feeding box with the flaps that hide compartments. APPLY FOR SCOOBY!
My Story: Scooby came into our care after being involved in an accident with a car, unfortunately because of his injuries, it was decided that the best route for this fella was a Femoral Head Osteotomy surgery. On Tuesday, Scooby headed down to Squamish and received the best care from Dr. Lane of @Points East West Veterinary Services
Surgery went great, and then he went off to his new foster home where he can receive the aftercare he needs and have a calm environment to recover in
Without the dedication of our Veterinary teams and foster homes, we wouldn’t be able to help those in need like Scooby, we are so grateful to have your support!
And of course without YOUR generosity and donations to our Critical Care Fund, we are always able to say ‘yes we can help!’ to the animals who need us the most! – surgery costs – medication – aftercare – and recheck appointments DONATE TO WAG! Notice: JavaScript is required for this content.